Monday, May 16, 2011

Keep Clothes Smelling Fresh

It can be irritating to put on a piece of clothing and realize it doesn’t smell as fresh as it should. The musky smell that can come from closets and dressers is far from appealing. Wouldn’t it be nice to pull out a T-shirt and have it smell as fresh as the day it was washed? In fact, there are several easy ways to keep clothes smelling fresh. Best of all, all of the following options are extremely affordable. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Use new fabric softener sheets to keep suits smelling fresh. Suits can hang in your closet for weeks, sometimes months, without being worn. When it comes time to wear your favorite suit, it probably doesn’t smell very fresh. To prevent this from happening, add fresh fabric softener sheets to the pockets. The scent will be strong enough to keep the suit smelling fresh for months.

2. Fill cloth bags with potpourri and place in your drawers. Potpourri can keep your favorite T-shirts and undergarments smelling fresh and fragrant.

3. Place used fabric softener sheets in your dresser. This simple step will keep your clothes smelling fresh for several weeks.

4. Purchase closet air fresheners. They come in a variety of different scents and help absorb moisture, which will prevent musky odors.

5. Place an open box of baking soda in the bottom of your closet. The baking soda will absorb any odors that may leave your clothes smelling less than fresh.

Tags: smelling fresh, fabric softener, fabric softener sheets, softener sheets, baking soda, clothes smelling, doesn smell