Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Have More Kitchen Storage With Less Upper Cabinets

Upper cabinets aren't the only route to kitchen storage.

While some kitchens have the blessing of unlimited or generous supplies of storage, many need creative storage alternatives. Kitchen designers are fond of taking advantage of all the wall space and installing cabinets up high along the walls. While this is a resourceful use of space, upper cabinets that are hard to reach either don't get used as much as they should or store mainly rarely used items. Luckily, there are ways to create more kitchen storage without resorting to building a bunch of high cabinets. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Purchase a kitchen island. This will not only give you more counter space, but will multiply your storage space as well. You can find islands that have shelves, if you don't mind displaying the items you store, or islands that have built-in cupboards for private storage.

2. Hang a pot and pan rack from your ceiling. This will free up your existing cabinets for storage of other items. The key is to hang the pot and pan rack low enough so it's easy to reach, but high enough so that you don't hit your head on it.

3. Install shelves in easy-to-reach places. For example shelves above the stove top can hold spices or decorative plates. Instead of a backsplash, narrow shelves can hold wine glasses or other items you would ordinarily store, freeing up more counter space.

4. Purchase a skinny armoire or free-standing closet. Even the smallest kitchens usually have a space to accommodate a narrow extra closet. You can use this to store brooms and mops, fine china for special occasions or pantry items.

Tags: counter space, islands that, islands that have, kitchen storage, more counter