Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Closet Organizing Solutions

An organized closet keeps things in order and in plain sight.

If you have clothes in your closet that do not fit or have gone out of style, or piles of belts and shoes cluttering the floor, you need help getting organized. Organizing the right way will help you find items quickly and create space for everything. Start by keeping what you need and letting go of the rest, and then build an organized closet around only what you decide to keep. Does this Spark an idea?

Getting Started

Empty out your disorganized closet and place everything in stacks according to what you will do with each item -- keep, fix or mend, donate, sell or throw out -- and then follow through on the plans. Ask yourself if you will ever wear or use each item again, and part with anything that does not fit your needs, including damaged or ill-fitting clothes.

Managing Space

Decide how you want to use the closet space and divide it into areas for each need, such as shoes, clothes and accessories. A walk-in closet may have room for a mirror and sitting area, so consider those options before reloading your closet. Map out every bit of space inside the closet and use high shelves and bars for out-of-season or rarely used items and boxes or bins on the floor or lower shelves for things you use regularly. Get the most of of the closet by installing extra bars and putting bins or rolling carts on the floor so you can tuck away your things and find them quickly.

Clothing Storage

Clothing likely will take up the bulk of space inside your closet, so manage it well by hanging clothes on sturdy hangers of the same size to conserve space and wear and tear on garments. Hang or stack items together, such as all the parts of a suit or the pants or skirt that match a sweater. Make it easier to weed out unworn outfits in the future by hanging the garments you have worn in one direction so you can easily see after a period of time what you have not touched.

Clutter Control

Shoes on a rack help keep a closet floor neat.

If you don't have space high up in the closet, store clothes and other items for the next season in another part of the house and rotate things as the seasons change. Make your own closet organizing system with clear containers or ones you clearly label so you can see at a glance what you have, while keeping your shoes, accessories and other items contained, neat and clean.

Tags: your closet, each item, organized closet, other items, space inside, what have