Monday, December 13, 2010

Remodeling Closet Doors

A pocket door is the perfect solution for this closet.

Closet doors that are outdated can hurt the look of a bedroom, living room or other space. For example, louvered closet doors that are worn might give the impression they've been in place for 30 years or more. Outdated stain colors or paint colors are a give-away that doors need attention. If open closet doors hit against a bed or table, they will not serve you well in retrieving items from the closet. In today's home market, storage space is always a focal point and selling point for potential buyers. Ease of accessing closet space is a real plus. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Go over the existing problems with one or more closet doors. Plan to paint them a totally different color, if they are dirty or outdated in relation to wall colors. Figure out if old tracking is the main issue with bi-fold doors that operate poorly. Buy new tracking, for instance, and re-mount the same door panels, as one option. Check to see if a standard closet door in a busy area gets in the way of traffic.

2. Look at the ideal option. Plan to take down old bi-fold louvered doors and replace them with mirrored bi-fold doors, for example. Reuse the louvered doors elsewhere in your home -- in another setting, they'll look new and fresh. Buy the best bi-fold doors with mirror panels you can find. Choosing sliding doors with full mirrors as another option. Assemble them carefully and ask friends to help move them into place, so the mirrors won't break.

3. Switch to solid-panel folding doors, which are better at protecting clothes from bath steam or cooking odors that may drift in. Solid-panel doors are more formal than louvered bi-fold doors and work well with wainscoting made from real wood panels on the bottom half of a room.

4. Remodel limited spaces with pocket doors. Build a pocket and sliding track system in the wall next to a bath closet, for example. Use two pocket doors that meet in the middle over a wide closet. Install a pocket door on each side wall of a closet where swinging doors would conflict with furniture.

5. Take down old, flat, standard doors -- which can look cheap -- and replace them with raised-panel doors. Swap out old hollow-core doors installed in a 1970s ranch home, for example. Buy closet doors that match nearby bedroom doors. Don't hang mismatched doors in the same section of the house. Make sure they have the identical design.

6. Use artistic touches to upgrade closet doors. Use a stenciling kit, for example, to paint designs on an old wooden closet door. Buy blackboard paint to cover the top of a kitchen closet door, so you can write a to-do list or grocery list on the door.

Tags: doors that, bi-fold doors, closet doors, closet door, doors which