Monday, December 6, 2010

Do It Yourself Bedroom Closet Organizers

Being able to locate clothing items quickly helps to start the day off right.

Closet organizers come in many types and styles, yet they often are relatively expensive to purchase.Organization in closets doesn't have to involve custom-made shelving units or accessories. Homeowners who enjoy do-it-yourself projects can organize their own closet inexpensively by using a few common-sense tips and supplies. Organization in this area makes it less difficult to find an item when you need it, thus starting your day off with less stress. Does this Spark an idea?


Utilizing Vertical Spaces

1. Store seasonal clothing, shoes and other items in clear plastic storage boxes. They stack efficiently on top of each other, therefore utilizing the vertical space in your closet area.

2. Label the end of each storage box with a self-adhesive label listing the items in the container. You can also use an index card that you tape on the end of the box. Another idea is to take a picture of each pair of shoes and place it on the end of the box. This prevents scurrying around to find the mate when you are in a rush. The picture enables you to identify the necessary shoes quickly.

3. Stack the boxes on the floor area. Put items that are used rarely or seasonally on the bottom of the stack, such as winter sweaters or Christmas ornaments.

4. Pile containers with items you use frequently on the top of the stacks. This prevents you from having to move boxes around to get to an item you use often.

Organizing the Clothing

5. Remove all the clothing from your closet. Donate clothing you haven't worn in a year. Repair clothing that requires a new hem or a loose button. Discard any stained, ripped or worn items.

6. Hang the clothing items back into your closet one at a time. Begin with a category of clothing, such as short-sleeved shirts.

7. Place all the short-sleeved items in your closet, arranging all the like colors together. For instance, hang all the white shirts together, the navy blue, beige, black, pastel colors and brights. Doing this enables you to quickly grab what you need for an occasion.

8. Hang all the pants together in the same fashion, then begin with the skirts, jackets and other apparel. Doing this creates a professional-looking and organized closet. Putting together an outfit that coordinates will be a speedy process.

Tags: your closet, clothing items, Doing this, This prevents