Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Make Money On Ebay Selling Used Shoes

Find gently used shoes at thrift stores to sell on eBay.

Designer shoes are great sellers on eBay, even if gently worn. Learn make money on eBay selling shoes you can find at thrift stores, garage sales, consignment stores, or your own closet.


1. Focus on expensive name brands. If the shoes were expensive new, odds are that they will hold their value on eBay. Look for brands including Brighton, Ferragamo, Cole Haan, Dansko, Born, Merrell, Keen, and Nike Shox.

2. Larger sizes and wide widths are the best sellers in both men's and women's shoes. Men's shoes sizes 12 and up do very well. Women's sizes 9 and up are great, too.

3. Items found in thrift stores or at garage sales will be in less than perfect condition. You will need to spend some time to clean up the shoes for a better presentation in your photos.

4. After you have found a pair of shoes that you might list on eBay, examine the sole. Is there enough sole left for another person to get much wear out of the shoe? If there are holes in the sole or inside the shoe, don't bother trying to sell it.

5. If the shoe is a lace up style, check to see if the laces need to be replaced. If so, you may want to splurge and spend $2 on a new pair of laces. Broken or missing laces in the photo of an eBay item may turn off a buyer. Think about your item from a buyer's perspective.

6. Examine the shoes for scratches, stains, or other imperfections. On leather shoes, a coat of shoe polish can do wonders. If you plan on selling a lot of shoes, invest in several colors of shoe polish to keep on hand for touch ups. Black magic marker does well on children's black patent leather shoes.

7. Some athletic canvas or fabric shoes can sometimes be washed in the washing machine. Just use your best judgment. Most fabric kids shoes or sneakers such as Keds, Nikes, and Chuck Taylors can be tossed in the washer and come out looking almost new.

8. Make sure your photos are clear and provide several views, including the bottom of the sole.

9. Write a complete description. Include the size, gender, condition, color, and other details. Many sellers also provide measurements of the length and width of the sole.

10. See the resources section below for more information on selling thrift store items on eBay.

Tags: thrift stores, garage sales, leather shoes, selling shoes, shoe polish, stores garage