Thursday, December 23, 2010

Organize Your Shoe Closet

An organized shoe closet can save you time in the morning and keep your shoes looking new.

If you have a lot of shoes, you know how hard it can be to find the right pair when you're in a hurry, especially if your shoe closet is cluttered and disorganized. In addition to not being able to find what you need, a disorganized shoe closet can actually cause damage to your shoes. Shoes that are piled on top of one another may get scuffed or retain smells. To keep your shoes looking new and to quickly find what you need in the morning, spend a few minutes organizing that shoe closet. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Give away shoes that are in good condition but no longer suit you.

Pull all the shoes out of your closet and put them in one place. Pair them up and take stock of what you have. If you have shoes that you haven't worn in more than a year, put them in a bag to donate to charity. If you have shoes that have holes in them or are broken in some way, throw them in the garbage.

2. Sort your shoes out in a large space where you can see everything at once.

Sort the remaining shoes into two piles. One pile is for shoes that you wear on a regular basis, and the other pile is for shoes that you wear infrequently.This step is important because your storage system will be most effective if you can quickly and easily get to the shoes you wear most often. It will also help your special occasion shoes to remain in tip top shape.

3. Avoid using cardboard shoe boxes for storage because you can't see what's inside at a glance.

Put your special occasion shoes in clear plastic shoe boxes, one pair per box. Clear plastic shoe boxes allow you to see what's inside the boxes without having to take anything out of your closet. They also allow you to stack pairs of shoes on higher shelves in an organized way. Your shoes will remain dust-free in their boxes, and they won't receive scuffs from other shoes that may be tossed on top of them.

4. A stand-alone organizer works well if you have the room for it.

Choose a shoe organizer for your frequently used shoes. Home stores usually have a selection of shoe storage options to choose from. There are over-the-door organizers, stand-alone grid organizers, shoe trees and fabric organizers that hang from closet rods. The goal in choosing your shoe organizer is to find something that allows easy access to frequently used shoes and keeps your shoes off the floor of your closet where they disappear beneath hanging clothes. After you have chosen the shoe organizer that works best for you, install it in your closet.

5. Put your frequently used shoes in your new shoe organizer, making sure to place the shoes you use most often in the most convenient spot. Each pair of shoes should have its own spot, and if you always put the same shoes in the same place you will be able to find them even quicker.

Tags: shoes that, shoe closet, shoe organizer, your closet, frequently used