Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Baby Nursery Closet Ideas

Babies are small and so are their clothes but you will have a lot of them along with all of the baby gear that will need to be put away. As you prepare the nursery for your new baby, plan the room's closet. The size of the closet doesn't matter; how you use the space is important. Does this Spark an idea?

Shelving and Hanging Rods

Use an adjustable closet organizing system to customize the shelves and hanging rods so you can adjust them as your needs change.

You won't hang most baby clothes, so set aside a small space for hanging and fill the rest of the space with shelves. Put in a shelf across the top of the closet for toys the baby won't be playing with for a while.

Large Item Storage

Leave a large area at the bottom of the closet for large items you don't want to lift up onto shelves, like a pack 'n play, stroller, boxes of diapers and wipes, travel high chairs and swings. The bottom is also good for a hamper or laundry basket and bins to hold clothes as the baby outgrows them until you put them permanently in storage.

Baskets and Bins

Use baskets or bins of various sizes to group items on shelves. Place baskets of items used more often on lower shelves. As needs for various items change, move the bins up or down. Larger baskets are ideal for sheets and blankets. A small basket will hold those tiny shoes and another small one can be for hats.


Have a few hooks inside the closet to hold items you will need to grab quickly, like the diaper bag or a bag for packing baby items when on the go. You also can hang a laundry bag, diaper sack, or a bathrobe for late-night feedings.

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