Monday, July 20, 2009

Fix A Bifold Closet Door

Bent door aligners can cause problems for bifold closet doors.

Bifold closet doors are the type that pull open into a V-shape with the point of the "V" toward you, rather than sliding to one side or opening outward the way a regular door does. Sometimes a problem with the top track or bottom bracket can cause the doors to malfunction. Another possible culprit is a bent door aligner. Door aligners are pieces of metal attached at the bottom on the inside of the closet that help keep the doors flat when closed. If one is bent or installed improperly, it can prevent the door from staying closed. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Close the door slowly to see exactly how it acts and at what point it begins to stop working properly. If the closet has a second bifold door, close it slowly to see how a properly functioning bifold door should behave at all stages.

2. Check for and clear out any debris along the top track.

3. Watch the top bracket slide along its track if the problem seems to be near the top. Sometimes the pivot bracket in the top bracket is too tight or too loose. Tighten or loosen the setscrew in the bracket with a screwdriver a little bit at a time, testing the door to see how each setting affects its operation.

4. Grab the top track with one hand and see if you can move it. If you can, that means it's loose and might be blocking the pivot bracket from working. Tighten the screws along the track with the screwdriver.

5. Inspect the screws in the top and bottom brackets. Replace them with identical screws if the originals appear corroded or stripped.

6. Check the screw holding in the doorknob if it appears loose. Tighten or replace the screw as necessary. The Family Handyman recommends placing a washer between the screw head and the door on the inside if you notice a pit forming there.

7. Lift up the door a little and tighten the bottom pivot bracket. If you find the entire bracket is loose or any screws need replacing, lift the door to remove it. Loosen the top bracket if necessary and slide the top of the door out if required. Replace or tighten the bottom bracket or screws. Reinsert the door in the pivot brackets according to the manufacturer's directions.

8. Remove objects located near the front of the closet and sit inside it with a flashlight. Close the doors; try closing one and then pulling the other closed with a bent wire coat hanger. Aim the flashlight at the door aligners and watch how they meet when you close the doors. If one is bent, bend it back into shape if possible with pliers; otherwise, replace it or remove it. Detach the aligner by unscrewing its one or two screws.

Tags: along track, pivot bracket, bifold door, bottom bracket, closet doors, door aligners, loose Tighten