Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Diy Closet Solutions

Clean and organize your closet.

No one ever seems to have enough closet space. Or they spend hours looking for an outfit they know is in there someplace, only to find that outfit has buttons missing or doesn't fit anymore. You may find yourself wearing the same tried and true clothes combination because you can't find anything else quickly in the morning. If you find yourself in these situations, try a few DIY closet solutions to get your closet cleaned and organized. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Remove everything from the closet. Vacuum the floor. Wipe off the shelves. Knock the cobwebs out of the corners. If you're feeling energetic, give the closet a fresh coat of paint and clean the carpets.

2. Examine the clothing and get rid of anything you haven't worn for a year, unless it's a special garment like a formal gown or holiday apparel. Try on the clothes that are left. If they don't fit, get rid of them. Look at the clothes for rips, missing button, torn hems and repair. Do the same thing for the shoes, hats and accessories.

3. Divide the clothes into casual, party and work wear. Put all like items together. For example all long sleeved casual tops would be together, all skirts, all casual pants, all work dresses. If hanging space is tight consider folding jeans and T-shirts rather than hanging.

4. Measure the width and length of the shelves. Measure the space between the floor and the first clothing rod. Measure the space from the shelves to the ceiling.

5. Hang up dresses and long pants to see how much room they take up. Consolidate space by using hangers for pants that allow up to five pairs, one on each bar of the special pants hanger.

6. Draw the closet to scale. Fold and stack sweaters, pants, T-shirts and measure the stacks. Sketch in the stacks on the shelves in your closet drawing. You now will know how much additional shelving you'll need for the stacked clothing. Only stack items three or four deep, otherwise the stacks may fall over when you remove an item to wear.

7. Install shelving per your drawing or use stackable interlocking wire shelves. Put seldom worn items on the top shelves and items you wear often on the bottom shelves. Add additional rods using chains and S hooks.

8. Invest in a shoe racks, hanging bags or a shoe caddy that hangs on the back of the closet door.

Tags: your closet, find yourself, Measure space