Monday, July 13, 2009

Storage Ideas For A Small Bedroom

Storage can be a problem in a small bedroom.

Small bedrooms are cozy and easy to keep clean, but they have a distinct disadvantage when it comes to storage space. For small bedrooms, a little innovative thinking can solve the storage problem. Raising the bed to a loft bed and placing the wardrobe or desk underneath is a serious space saver, but there are less dramatic ways to make storage space available in a small bedroom. Does this Spark an idea?

Bed Head Shelves

For small bedrooms, thinking vertically is important, as often the floor space is very minimal for placing storage units. A bed head that incorporates shelving is an ideal use of the space above the bed, which people normally don't use. As suggests, an extended version of the bed head shelving is to create shelving units along the whole bed wall, which is an innovative way of creating storage space, especially for books, in a small bedroom.

Wall-mounted Shelves

Wall-mounted shelving units help to keep the space feeling open, while still providing storage options. For items that are not accessed every day, like extra bedding, out-of-season clothing, photo albums or sporting gear, high-set shelves are a good option, as they are much less noticeable above head height than a shelving unit at eye level.

Under Bed Storage

The space under the bed is perfect for storing items like shoes, bedding, CD or DVD collections and other bric-a-brac, as stated on Storage crates, wheeled storage bins or baskets provide the ideal storage containers for underneath the bed. Putting a valance on the bed helps to hide the storage containers underneath, or alternatively buy a bed with in-built storage underneath.

Hanging Shelves

Hanging shelves are excellent ways of having movable storage space in a small bedroom. Most hanging shelves are fabric shelving that you can attach to a hook behind the bedroom door, hook over the hanging pole in a closet or suspend from the ceiling. Hanging shelves are great for organizing things like scarves, neck ties, socks and underwear, and as many designs have zip-up fronts, they help keep the room looking neat and tidy.

Window Box

Windows often create storage problems by virtue of the fact that it is difficult to place storage units like tall boys or shelves on walls with windows. Overcome this obstacle and create lots of hidden storage space with a window box---you will also have an alternative seating space. Place a long, wooden box with a flip-up lid below the awning of the window, and fill it to the brim. Place pillows on top of the closed lid, and the box becomes a settee. The storage space is well camouflaged but easily accessible.

Tags: storage space, small bedroom, containers underneath, help keep, shelving units