Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Diy Garage Storage Solutions

If you feel that your garage is overflowing and you don't have enough room for all of your stuff, it's time to come up with better storage and organization in your garage. There are so many options to organize your garage and you can do them yourself easily. Does this Spark an idea?


To get started with a new plan for storage and organizing your garage, start by pulling everything out. Sort through everything and throw out all the trash or anything that's broken. This should eliminate a good amount of stuff that's been cluttering your garage. It also gives you the ability to look at your garage to determine what type of storage will work and where.


Evaluate what you have and the type of storage you need based on that. You can hang storage cabinets on the wall. You can even purchase locking cabinets for added security. The great thing about cabinets is that all of your stuff is hidden, so no matter what you have in your cabinets, your garage will always look neat.

You can install shelving along the walls. If you park your cars in the garage, make sure the shelves are up high enough that they won't interfere with walking around your car or you may find that you don't have enough room to park your car comfortably.

Consider installing a workbench. This will provide you a work space and drawers to organize your stuff.

Get a tool holder. This will keep your garden tools upright and on the wall instead of leaning against the wall.

Install pegboard and pegs for storing other items that can hang. This will keep a lot of small items easily accessible.

Organize and Store

Group like items together. Sort your nuts, nails, screws and bolts. Store them in small jars or specific cabinets that are made for storing small items--you can usually find these at craft stores.

Keep your tools together. Make sure that the tools that you use frequently are within easy reach. Put the things you don't use as frequently up on higher shelves.

With some thought and planning, you can create a very organized garage with plenty of storage. The more organized your garage is, the faster you can find your tools and supplies and the more productive you'll be when it comes to your projects.

Tags: your garage, This will, your stuff, cabinets that, enough room, have enough