Friday, June 29, 2012

Tips To Be Organized In The Bedroom

A clean, organized room brings peace of mind.

In a 1923 interview with "Harper's Bazaar", Coco Chanel remarked, "Simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance." A messy, disorganized room tends to

subconsciously weigh on your peace of mind. Simplify your surroundings by clearing out the clutter and reorganize, beginning with your bedroom. If this seems overwhelming, simply start at one corner and work your way across the room. Does this Spark an idea?

The Closet

Start by organizing your closet.

Invest in a shoe rack, hamper and over-the-door organizers for your closet. Shoes are easier to browse if they are at eye-level, so consider using a hanging shoe organizer. Keep as many items off the floor as possible.

If space allows, keep a hamper in the closet. Before you go to bed, reject the temptation to let any of your clothing drop to the floor. Either place clothes in the hamper, hang them up or place them in a drawer.

A pocketed over-the-door organizer is perfect for scarves, ties, belts or even sandals. The clear pockets make it a breeze to find what you need. You can also place miscellaneous items there, like curling irons, hair dryers or styling products.

As far as clothes go, hang like items together. The simplest method is to group skirts, dress shirts and dress pants together. Again, avoid leaving anything on the floor. Store out of season clothes in a plastic bin or container.

Your Furniture

Use drawer dividers to keep your folded clothes tidy.

Use dividers for your drawers. Stores like IKEA and Target carry inexpensive drawer dividers that are very practical. If you have limited space in your drawers, hang whatever you can in the closet. Keep the surface clear of any trash, coins and items emptied out of your pockets.

Keep only the necessities on the surface of your end tables, like a clock and a lamp. You can also keep a jar for loose change and little items collected during the day here. Just make sure to go through them once every few days.

The Bed

Make your bed every day.

Like your mother always said, make your bed every day. If your bed is clean and pretty, you will be surprised at how motivated you will be to keep the rest of the bedroom that way. Use under-bed storage as drawer space if you have limited furniture. Make sure to buy under-bed storage boxes with wheels to make them easy to access.


Once your bedroom is clean and organized, the best way to keep it that way is through a routine. Make it a habit to put away your clothes every night and make the bed every morning. Every item should have a specific place, from your socks to your robe. Your bedroom is your sanctuary and should bring you the peace and rest you need, a feat that is much easier achieved when the bedroom is clean and organized.

Get rid of any non-bedroom items, like a treadmill, TV, work desks, or even phones, since these suggest activity rather than rest.

Tags: clean organized, bedroom clean, bedroom clean organized, drawer dividers, have limited, peace mind, under-bed storage