Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Easy Ideas To Make A Closet Bigger

If you live in a small place or an older home, closet space is always at a premium. Maximize the available storage and minimize the headaches of not being able to find your stuff. By organizing and creating a place for everything you can add room, increase value and attain a bit of calm and serenity.

To attain this peace and tranquility, you must first create a little chaos. It is easier to plan the space while your closet is empty, adding the elements that will help you store items more effectively. Does this Spark an idea?


To get a feel for the options in making your closet seem bigger, you must have a good idea of the space available. Clean out the closet completely. Measure the closet and analyze what you wish to put back in it. Organizing and creating a place for each item in the closet will keep your closet neater and create the illusion of space. When placing items in the closet plan, think about how often each is used. Everyday items will need to be front and center so you can easily get to them. To keep the basic order, you should be able to get to everyday items easily, without having to move anything. The once-a-year things can go up on the top shelf, in the back.


It may seem obvious, but the easiest way to make more space is to get rid of things. While you are emptying the closet, determine if there is anything you can donate or sell. Place these items in a separate pile. Clothes you do not wear but want to keep for sentimental reasons can be packed into a suitcase you don't use. You may also consider vacuum sealing sentimental stuff and things you do not wear regularly, along with extra blankets and pillows. By removing the air space with a vacuum, you can increase storage capacity. This also protects clothes and blankets from insect or animal damage. Specialty vacuum bags can be purchased, or you may use large trash bags and a vacuum cleaner. While you will not be able to remove all the air with a trash bag, it is a simple, inexpensive alternative. Seal with duct tape or string.


Adding shelves or a second rod to part of the closet also adds to the available storage space. A good portion of the clothing hanging in most closets is shorter than the closet. Add a second hanging rod below the first and instantly double the amount of hanging space. Leave enough room on one end to hang long dresses or coats. If you can not add a rod, there are specialty hangers that hang multiple items in the same space as one item. There are a number of shelving options available. There may be dead air space above the shelf in your closet. You can only stack things so high before it becomes a safety issue, so add another shelf and double the available storage. You can purchase anything from inexpensive wire racks to costly custom built shelving to add organization to a closet.

Tags: your closet, available storage, creating place