Monday, March 10, 2014

Underground Downspout Extensions

I'm not sure if this is the correct forum, but I'm having my downspouts extended underground using some form of PVC. I need to buy the materials ahead of time.
Here are my questions:
1. I was told I could use the green PVC which I believe might be for sewers and is cheaper. Is this true, and if so, where would I get that? Home Depot just had the regular white PVC (am looking at 4 x 10' pieces) - for $7/piece.
2. What kind of connector would the downspout actually go into? Would it just drain into a 4 piece that fits into the elbow?
3. What kind of elbow do I need, in terms of angle - I assume 90 degree and they will just pitch it correctly?
What else am I missing? I know I need connectors and glue as the extensions will go around 40 feet out.

You can buy a adapter/connector from your downspout to the buried section at HD. It has a corrugated section that allows some adjustment. They have other fittings.
My landscaper attached it to a flexible line for a 12' run to a pop-up outlet. The under ground connections were taped, but no big deal since you are underground and a little leakage is no problem.
The preferred way would be to use fexible where needed and switch to the solid rigid pipe as soon as possible. I plan to extend my line about 30', so I will replace much of the flexible with solid.
The reason for my extension and going from to a daylight discharge is because of climate. If you dump water into a cold pipe when it is -20 degrees, it may freeze. I have had no problems, since I could divert the late winter melting away beause of the adapter to the downspout. - The pop-up works great if it is covered with several feet of insulating snow and during the warm weather.

I also found the following info online:,0,5140551.story?coll=chi-classifiedhomeimprove-hed
The only question is where to find SDR-35 pipe in the NW Chicago area....

Good article. - Nothing fancy about the drain pipe (some people use spec numbers to impress you) since it is for landscape purposes. If you foresee any car or truck traffic, you should obviously go to a heavier engineered pipe.
Do not use preforated pipe to carry water away from your home - use solid wall.

We just use the white PVC pipe all the time like from the big box stores or supply house's. The spout will fit into its L

I found another good webpage of info...

The article I just referenced above states:
Ninety degree elbows can be used where the buried downspout drain line turns up to capture the actual downspout. In addition to this fitting, you may wish to add a tee or wye fitting just as the pipe exits the soil. This extra fitting can be used as a nifty cleanout. In the event of a clogged pipe, you do not have to remove the downspout from the hub. You simply insert the cleaning snake through the cleanout.
I don't understand how this Tee or Wye (assume Y?) fitting would work. The pipe would exit at the surface, so where would the other opening of this Tee/Wye actually exit?

Think of the T on the pipe in the center flat. This way it wwill split the water two waysto the left and right. If you have to silp it off to clean out the pipe. Just slip it on no glue

Tags: underground, downspout, extensions, from your, What kind, where would