Sunday, March 9, 2014

Get Rid Of Smelly Insoles In Shoes

Over time and with frequent use, the insoles of your shoes may become odorous and unpleasant. If your actual shoes are in good shape, you won't want to throw them away, you'll want to save them. Foot odor sprays may provide some relief from the smell, but if the insoles are really smelly, it may be better to remove and replace them. Many athletic shoes glue their soles into the bottom, and with a little wear, that glue becomes soft and pliable, making the insoles easy to remove.


1. Tug the insoles in your shoes to see if they are loose enough to pull out. Sometimes, constant wear will be enough to loosen the insoles just enough that a little tugging will pull them out of place.

2. Place shoes in the dryer if the insoles are stubbornly glued into place. The heat from the dryer may melt the glue enough that you can easily pull the insoles out of your shoes.

3. Throw the old insoles in the garbage once you've pulled them out of your shoes.

4. Spray the insides of your shoes after removing the insoles with an antifungal, antibacterial foot spray.

5. Replace the old insoles with disposable insoles designed to destroy and keep foot odor at bay. Make sure you replace them regularly to keep the shoe odor from becoming overwhelming.

Tips Warnings

Keep shoes dry between wearing them. If you are athletic, and sweat builds up while you are active, make sure your shoes dry out completely before you put them on again. You may need to put them in front of a fan or heater.

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