Friday, June 19, 2009

Natural Silverfish Removal

Silverfish are wingless insects that thrive in damp conditions. Chemical insecticides and pesticides can be harmful to the environment and even potentially cause respiratory problems in more sensitive people. While they may kill the pests, their use can also kill other insects that may be beneficial to the environment. Insecticides nay also disrupt hormones, neurotoxins and or cause genetic plant mutations. There are many safe and natural ways to rid the home and property of silverfish without causing damage to the environment or others living in the household. Does this Spark an idea?

Natural Insecticides and Traps

A natural trapping method involves the use of a glass jar, since silverfish are unable to climb on slick surfaces. Wrap the outside of a glass jar in duct tape so that the insects are able to crawl into the jar. Place a small amount of sugar inside to act as bait. The silverfish will climb into the jar but will be unable to climb out. Place the jar in an area you know to be highly populated with silverfish, including damp, darker areas such as the garage, basement, closets or near kitchen and bathroom plumbing. Once you have trapped a fair amount of the pests you can drown them in soapy water or put a lid on the jar and dispose of it. A natural insecticide can be made by mixing 20 percent boric acid with baking soda then fold the mixture into small packets. Place the packets throughout your home in dresser drawers, closets, under sinks or anywhere else that silverfish are likely to hide, in order to rid of the pests quickly. A surface insecticide can be used for direct targeting by dissolving boric acid in warm water and spraying directly on the insects or around the interior and exterior perimeter of the home. Boric acid will kill many pests in addition to silverfish and is safe to use around children.

Environmental Factors

Silverfish require a certain environment in order to breed and thrive. Try to keep the home free of food crumbs by using a vacuum to clean floors and under dark areas where silverfish may hide. Also make sure your pipes have proper insulation and that you don't have any leaks creating a moist environment for the insects. Plastic storage containers should always be used in place of cardboard boxes or any other containers made from paper that inevitably attract all types of insects. Also make sure to use well sealed plastic containers when storing food.

Tags: Also make, Also make sure, insects that, make sure, unable climb