Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Organize An Office Supply Closet

Keep pens and other writing utensils together to make them easier to find in the office supply closet.

In order to maintain an efficient office, employees must be able to easily locate the necessary supplies in the company supply closet. While organizing a company's office supplies may seem never-ending and intimidating, it does not have to be. Begin with a detailed plan to account for all supplies and the appropriate placement for each. Not only will this make the task of organizing the closet much quicker, but will also allow the supply manager to easily pinpoint which supplies should be ordered.


1. Remove all supplies from the closet and lay them out around you. Seeing all the contents will allow you to see what items are stored in the closet and should make arranging the closet much easier. As you pull supplies out of the closet, consider how often the item is used. If it is something that is seldom used, consider placing it in another area, particularly if the space in the supply closet is limited.

2. Categorize items to make placing them back in the closet more straightforward. Pencils, pens, markers, highlighters and other writing utensils should be placed together. Other desk supplies, such as push pins, binder clips and paper clips ought to be stored together. Copy and printer paper, presentation folders, picture paper, file folders and letterhead should be housed collectively.

3. Draw out a plan of the closet. This will help you determine how much space you have to work with. Based on the layout of the closet, establish which supplies will be housed on each shelf. In the event of a mishap, such as a shelf breaking, place heavier items on lower shelves. Three-ring binders and other bulky items should be easily accessed but out of the way of more frequently needed items, like staples and adhesive pads.

4. Gather organization tools, such as plastic storage bins, to collect similar items together. A small plastic bin with drawers will hold small items akin to paper clips. Not only does this make finding smaller items less difficult, but it also prevents flimsy boxes from falling open and spilling the contents if they are dropped. Use larger plastic bins to hold technical equipment, such as keyboards and surge protectors.

5. Place items back in the closet based on the layout.

6. Create a supply list based on the categories chosen earlier. For example, the category named desk supplies could include tape, staples, push pins and rubber bands. Tape the list to the supply closet door and update the quantity of each item as they are taken from the closet.

Tags: supply closet, back closet, closet much, desk supplies, from closet