Monday, April 20, 2009

Create Free Postcards

Free postcards are an economical way to say you care.

Postcards are ideal for sending holiday wishes or a quick hello from a family vacation. Whether they feature photos of your family, tourist attractions or simply include a thoughtful graphic, recipients will be happy to know you have taken time to think about them. While postcards are not usually expensive, the cost can add up if you send a large volume. Making them for free can eliminate this concern, as well as add a creative and personal touch to your greetings.



1. Navigate to the VistaPrint website (see link in the Resource section) and click on "Postcards," listed on the lower left side of the page.

2. Click on "Start with a postcard" then select the size of free postcard you would like. The site offers postcards in standard and oversize varieties. Each variety has a free package option.

3. Click on "Customize" then on "Upload Your Own Design." Browse for an image, stored on your hard drive or other storage device, that you want to feature on your postcard, then wait for it to upload.

4. Add text to your postcard, agree to the Online Proof Approval, then select the image and text for the back of your postcard.

5. Sign in to your VistaPrint account or create a new account. Proceed through the checkout, entering your name, address and billing information. In most cases, you will need to pay for shipping even though the postcards are free. Have the postcards delivered to your door or enter names and addresses to have them sent to recipients directly from VistaPrint.

Free e-Postcards

6. Navigate to a free online postcard site such as Smilebox or All-Yours (see links in the Resource section). Download any required software for creating postcards, ensuring that your computer meets the system requirements.

7. Select a postcard style and theme. The postcard may already have a graphic, or it may have a space where you can upload your own photo.

8. Upload any photos you intend to use and write in the appropriate messages or greetings. Proofread your final product and enter the recipients' email addresses, then send the cards to their inboxes electronically.

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