Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Make Your Own Portable Clothes Rack

Having a garage sale and need to find a cost effective method to display your clothing? Run out of closet space and want to create a makeshift closet to hang your apparel? It is best to hang your clothes rather than having them ruined by dust or dirt. Clothes have more appeal to potential customers when they are on hangers instead on the floor or in boxes. Does this Spark an idea?


Tension Rod

1. Open the tension rod and place it between two adjacent walls. Make sure the rod is adjusted tightly against the wall to keep it from falling. Now hang your clothes.

2. When two walls are not available to take advantage of the expandable tension rod, use a bar and two ladders.

3. Open the ladders and spread them far enough to provide enough space on the bar to hang clothing.

4. Make sure that the bar is leveled and placed on the steps of the ladders.

5. Hang the clothes on the bars. You have created another portable closet.

Tags: hang your, hang your clothes, Make sure, your clothes