Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Outside Storage Ideas

Outdoor equipment can accumulate quickly, especially when you don't have a garage for storage.

Homeowners collect many yard care accessories, and they accumulate even more if they have a pool, hot tub or garden. The items associated with outdoor maintenance can be difficult to store, especially if there is no extra room in the garage. Outdoor storage options help contain the clutter. Does this Spark an idea?

Storage Bench

An outdoor bench with space under the seats for storage is an attractive and functional addition to a small porch or pool deck. Some storage benches are made of waterproof rubber to safely house weather sensitive items. Wood benches provide a more classic look. Storage benches provide adequate space to house pool accessories, hoses, garden tools or wood. You can convert an existing bench into a storage bench, or purchase a pre-made storage bench.


Sheds can store everything from garden tools to riding lawn mowers. They are available in horizontal lid access styles and vertical closet or building styles. A small closet-style storage shed will make effective use of a balcony for storage. There are many kits available for homeowners who want to assemble their own sheds; some are inexpensive and made of weather-resistant vinyl. The standard size for a storage shed made from a kit is 10 feet by 13 feet.

Under the Deck

You can easily utilize the space under your deck for storage. Slide a few rubber boxes beneath a shallow porch for waterproof space. If you have a second-story porch with space beneath, add a plywood floor and ceiling for a built-in shed. Hang hoses and extension cords on nails attached to a plywood wall beneath the deck.

Under Eaves

Build a storage shed under the eaves of your home to conveniently store garden and yard accessories. Paint sliding or swinging wooden doors to match your home, and install shelves to add vertical space. Even just 5 inches of shelving depth can make for spacious storage. Hang garden tools like hoes and shovels from hooks, and rest spades on pegs attached to corkboard.

Tags: garden tools, storage shed, benches provide, space under, storage bench, with space