Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Hang Sliding Closet Doors

Sliding doors save space in compact bedrooms.

One of the primary advantages of sliding closet doors is that they save space, and they are also easy to install and maintain. As with any type of door, the operation of sliding doors depends on proper framing around the doorway. The doors may be difficult to control if the header isn't horizontal, and slanted jack studs will result in gaps at the sides of the doors. If the framing is straight, however, hanging sliding doors is an uncomplicated task. You just have to screw some hardware to the door and door frame and a guide to the floor. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Measure the distance between the door header and the floor with a tape measure. Cut the doors an inch shorter than this measurement with a circular saw.

2. Measure the width of the doorway and cut the track to that measurement with a hacksaw.

3. Unpack the door hanging hardware, which usually includes a metal track, four rollers that you screw on the top of the door, a door guide and all the screws necessary for installing them.

4. Position the track on the header of the closet frame so it is offset about an inch inside the jamb. This will allow you to hide it with trim. Mark the positions of the pre-made screw holes, remove the track and drill a hole on each mark with a 1/8-inch drill bit. Replace the track and screw it to the header with a screwdriver.

5. Screw the rollers to the top of each door. Depending on the type of system you're using, they may be designed to attach to the tops of the doors or to the backs. Follow the instructions supplied with your door hanging kit.

6. Note the two slots in the metal track, spaced so that the doors can by-pass each other. Hang a door in the rear slot first by tilting the bottom of the door toward you and hooking the gliders into the slot. As the bottom swings away from you, the glider should hook itself securely and the door should glide smoothly on the track. Hang the other door in the front slot in the same way.

7. Slide both doors against either the right or left jamb and let them hang freely. Place the door guide between them, if the kit includes a guide, and screw it to the floor with the screw provided. The purpose of the guide is to keep the doors separated. Omit it if you don't wan't to drill holes in the floor.

Tags: door door, door guide, door hanging, floor with, measurement with, metal track, save space