Monday, July 9, 2012

Donate Used Shoes In Los Angeles

Donating used shoes is a charitable way to give back to the community.

Styles change, and for those who update their wardrobes accordingly, old shoes can start to gather. Children also outgrow shoes that can still be worn. If you have used shoes to donate, programs exist where donations are accepted for charitable purposes. Throughout Los Angeles, programs are in place to provide needy recipients with older or used shoes.


1. Gather all used shoes and separate them into piles, according to size. Place all children's shoes in one bag and place adult shoes in another. Make a list for each grouping of shoes and place the handwritten list in the bag that notes how many pairs of shoes and the sizes of each pair. Restrict donations to clean shoes that can be worn by others by removing surface dirt.

2. Make a list of organizations throughout Los Angeles that accepts used shoes. Include groups such as Nike's Reuse-A-Shoe program that accepts used sneakers for recycling and is suitable for shoes in poor condition. List groups according to the type of shoes they typically accept. Note program parameters as some groups only seek running shoes and sneakers for disadvantaged children and adults without access to such shoes.

3. Contact organizations with operations and drop-off locations in the Los Angeles area to inquire whether they are accepting used shoe donations. Have your list of the total number of pairs for donation and sizes available as certain organizations seek specific shoes sizes on occasion. Call all relevant organizations, including local churches and shelters.

4. Keep a list of which organizations you contacted and note which group agreed to accept shoes for donation. Go through the shoes and box them up according to organization, and seal the boxes with tape. Place a note on the top of the box with your name, address, contact information and the name of the organization in Los Angeles. Keep shoes that have not been accepted in a separate pile.

5. Drop the box of shoes off at each location. Get a receipt for tax-deduction purposes for each donation made. Make sure the receipt shows the address where the donation was made.

Tags: used shoes, shoes that, accepts used, donation made, Make list