Friday, July 20, 2012

Donate Clothes To African Children

Thousands of children in Africa do not have access to proper clothing and shoes to help keep their bodies and feet protected. Toxins, bacteria and viruses are more easily spread without proper clothing, and children who are forced to walk barefoot suffer from foot injuries and infections. By donating second-hand shoes and clothing to a charity that distributes goods to impoverished villages in Africa, you can greatly improve the safety and well-being of the children who live there.


1. Collect all of the child-sized shoes and clothing that you wish to donate. You can use clothes and shoes your own toddlers and pre-teens have outgrown, or you can ask friends and neighbors for shoes and clothes they no longer need. Because of the warm climate in most African countries, it is advisable to donate lightweight shirts, shorts and pants rather than heavy jackets and other cold-weather clothes.

2. Place the shoes and clothes into a durable plastic or cloth bag that you would not mind donating as well. Folding and packing the clothes tightly will make it easier for the charity to ship the the clothes to Africa.

3. Research a philanthropic organization in your area that has distribution centers in poor African countries. Charities such as Planet Aid, World Vision and the Red Cross will accept your used child-sized clothing and send it to communities in Zimbabwe, Kenya, Angola, and other poor African countries where it is needed most. Many churches and religious organizations also have programs for donating clothes and other goods to African children.

4. Deliver the clothes you have gathered to a collection center of the charity of your choice. Make sure the employees accepting your donation know that the clothes are meant specifically for underprivileged children in Africa and that it is important for your donation to reach these children as soon as possible.

Tags: African countries, children Africa, poor African, poor African countries, proper clothing, shoes clothes, shoes clothing