Monday, April 11, 2011

Make A Movable Shoe Shelf In A Closet

A movable shoe shelf is a great way to keep a large collection of shoes organized.

A well-constructed shoe shelf is a valuable item for any organized closet space. Whether you have three pairs of shoes or 30, these accessories have a tendency to get kicked off in inconvenient places or lost under beds and other furniture. A shoe shelf provides an excellent area for collecting and sorting your shoes. Making your shoe shelf movable will not only allow for easy reorganization, it will let you slide the shelf out for a better look at your collection if your closet space is particularly dark or cramped. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Draw the shape and size of your shoe shelf on a piece of graph paper using a pencil. Measure your shoes to determine how much space you will need on each self for proper storage. A collection of flats will take significantly less space than several pairs of four inch heels. Three or four shelves of varying heights can accommodate a diverse shoe collection. Once you have provided shelves for the shoes you currently own, allow a little extra space for your collection to change and grow.

2. Cut your plywood to the shape and size needed for your project. If you don't have a circular saw at home, you may be able to have the hardware store do this step for you.

3. Glue the pieces together along the joints with wood glue. Hold the shelf together with spring clamps on all the joints while the wood glue dries.

4. Use a hammer and finishing nails to secure the joints of the shelf. Place a nail every two to three inches along all joints.

5. Turn the shelf upside down. Place the cabinet wheels on the bottom of the shelf with one wheel in each corner. Mark the placement of the screw holes for the wheels and drill holes into the base of the shelf in these locations.

6. Secure the wheels to the bottom of the shelf with screws and a screwdriver.

Tags: shoe shelf, along joints, bottom shelf, bottom shelf with, closet space, shape size, shelf with