Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Get Rid Of Mold In The Closet

You've cleaned out your closet and to your dismay found mold growing in the corner. How do you get rid of it? Getting rid of mold in a closet isn't too tough; all you'll need is a few household items and a bit of elbow grease. Before you know it, your closet will be as good as new, without a single spore of this pesky fungus surviving to tell the tale. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Fill a bucket with one gallon of hot water and add one-half cup of chlorine bleach; be careful not to spill the bleach on your skin or clothes.

2. Dip a sponge or rag into the cleaning solution and wring out the excess moisture.

3. Scrub the wall where the mold is growing, using a vigorous circular motion and being careful not to drip onto the floor.

4. Leave the solution on the area you cleaned for five minutes; while it is soaking, empty and rinse the bucket and refill it with clean water.

5. Rinse the affected area, using the clean water and sponge. Repeat the rinsing process once more.

6. Towel dry the mold-free area, making sure to reach into corners if applicable.

7. Stand a window fan to blow directly into the closet. Leave in place for one-half hour.

Tags: clean water, mold growing, your closet