Thursday, April 14, 2011

Get Rid Of Moths Naturally

A clothes moth prefers dark closets.

Moths prefer to live in closets and other dark places where they can hide from view. You might disturb one accidentally when you move clothes around in a closet or when rearranging a drawer, and cause it to seek cover or fly toward a darkened recess and hide. Clothes moths, yellow or tan in color, have a wing span of up to a ½-inch and their larvae look like short stubby worms, about a ½-inch in length with blackish heads. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Inspect materials that attract moths at least once a year. Remove all clothes and fabrics from drawers and closets. Thoroughly vacuum the interiors of the closets as well as the drawers to pick up larvae-attracting lint. Discard any item already damaged by moths. Good housecleaning methods are one of the most natural ways to rid your home of moths.

2. Hang your clothes, hats and other fabrics outside, in the sun. Moths hate the sun and will vacate their resting places when exposed to sunlight. Hang your materials on a clothesline, for a minimum of four hours. This allows the moths plenty of time to depart.

3. Vacuum your home often, at least once a week. Remember to vacuum your drapes and all upholstered furniture as well as your pet's bed, radiators, air ducts and vents. Vacuum all areas where fluff or lint may accumulate. These areas all provide suitable habitats for moth eggs or larvae.

4. Have your garments cleaned before you store them in a closet. Food stains, urine and normal perspiration attract moths to fabrics.

5. Take advantage of natural moth repellents. Tansy, cedar, pennyroyal, eucalyptus and lavender all help to banish moths, and most health food centers keep such products in stock. Cut cheesecloth into 6-inch squares. Place 3 oz. of an herbal or organic repellent in the center of each square and join the four corners of the cloth together to create a tiny bag or sachet of repellent. Secure the fabric with a 2-inch piece of string.

6. Hang bags of repellent in closet interiors and place one or two in the back of drawers to discourage moth infiltration. The number of sachets to use in a closet depends upon its size; the more sachets you use, the fewer moths you will have. Refresh bags of repellent bi-monthly.

Tags: attract moths, bags repellent, Hang your, least once, your home