Thursday, April 28, 2011

About Central Air Conditioning Units

Central air conditioning units are a great way to cool a home. They are more efficient than window-mount units and can cool small or large buildings. Nearly all southern homes have one, and many use them year round to create a comfortable living environment. They run on electricity, using the same freon-cooling mechanism as a window-mount air conditioner and refrigerator.

The Facts

Central A/C is used in almost every large building, grocery store and home in the southern United States. They can include both heating and cooling units by combining a boiler or heating mechanism run on oil or electricity and a freon cooling system. This system pushes freon through a tube and ionizes it to create a cooling effect. This creates cold air that is blown by a fan through ducts and into various rooms in the home or building.


Central A/C does not use water or any other cooling fluids except freon. They do not produce water either. Any water that comes out of a central A/C unit is caused by condensation, and this is drained off by a central drain. Central A/C units are fairly easy to maintain and service and are not inefficient. They are built for efficiency, and some have a higher SEER (seasonal energy efficiency rating). However, the fact that they are always on does impact your electric bill. However, they can be cheaper than running fans all night long.


Central A/C provides an efficient way to cool a home through a single unit. Having an A/C centrally-located inside the home makes the unit more efficient because it can push cool air to all rooms through ducts, thereby reducing the amount of cooling power needed to create a comfortable temperature. They are fairly simple machines and can be maintained with a simple house call from a certified technician. They can last a long time and many are warrantied for up to 25 years.


A central A/C unit is an upright box-shaped object located inside a closet, or a small compact box-shaped object with grates around the sides located outside the home. Each one contains a fan, drainage hose, and inside is a freon-cooling unit that is powered by electricity. Every central A/C is run from a breaker switch, and most run off their own breaker box. They cooling unit has access to the air ducts as it pushes cold air right into them, which is them distributed around the house.


Central A/C units can be as small as a footlocker or as large as an entire room. Football stadiums and shopping malls typically have the largest A/C units, which are housed in one or several rooms. The more cubic space that needs to be cooled the larger the A/C unit has to be. There are complex formulas used to determine how large an A/C must be in order to cool a home or unit, and these formulas include window size, materials, floor space, ceiling height and air flow calculations.


Central A/C has revolutionized the way we live. Every building offers air conditioning in most urban and rural areas in the United States. Businesses use them to keep workers cool because it makes them more productive. Businesses use them to keep customers cool because people tend to buy more when they are comfortable. All kinds of buildings use them for various reasons, including athletic training centers, movie theaters and more.

Tags: cool home, box-shaped object, Businesses them, Businesses them keep, central unit, Central units, cool because