Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Sell Tshirts On Roblox

Roblox is a free game site meant for kids and has a similar setup to the popular Club Penguin. Like Club Penguin, you need to pay a subscription fee on Roblox to access the premium features. When you join Roblox's Builder's Club, you upgrade your account and will be permitted to sell items, such as T-shirts, on the site. T-shirts can provide users with special abilities.


1. Create your T-shirt and then upload it onto Roblox using the "Browse" tab on the Solo section of the website. You can use different virtual drawing programs, such as Photoshop, to make the T-shirt.

2. Go to the "Workspace" menu of Roblox and select your character. Once you have opened your character, you'll see a shirt graphic you can use. Open the "Properties" tab of the shirt graphic and copy the value listed.

3. Open the VIP T-shirt door script while still in the Solo mode. Paste the value you have previously copied into the quotes of this script. You can now save the T-shirt. Prior to selling the T-shirt on Robux, check it on your own character to make sure it works.

4. Click on the completed T-shirt in order to open the "Configure This T-shirt" menu. Check off the "Sell This T-shirt" box from this menu.

5. Determine the currency you wish to accept. After you select "Sell this T-shirt," choose whether to accept tickets, Robux or both. Once you decide on the currency, enter the number of tickets or Robux you wish to receive for the T-shirt. Save your changes by clicking on the "Update" key.

Tags: your character, Club Penguin, shirt graphic, This T-shirt, tickets Robux