Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Clothing Storage Tips

As seasons change, whether it be seasons of weather or seasons of life, our clothing needs change as well. Whether you live in a climate where different clothes for different seasons are a necessity, or you're entering a different stage of life, such as going from corporate America to working from home, or saving baby clothes for your next child, the best way to store clothes has probably crossed your mind. Does this Spark an idea?

Before You Store

Before storing your clothing for any length of time you will want to make sure that your garments have been thoroughly cleaned. Any stains will be even more difficult to remove with the passage of time. Additionally, clothing that has been worn even once should be washed so that it is in the best possible condition before being stored. You may also want to sort your clothing before storing it so that you store like items in the same areas. For instance, all your sweaters could be stored in one place, while your business suits can be stored elsewhere for optimal organization.

Guard From Harm

You will want to take proper precautions to prevent your stored clothing from being damaged while you are storing them. Carefully pick the best location to store your items. You will want to make sure you pick a cool, dry location. If your clothes contact moisture, they could become moldy or get mildew. If you store your items in direct sunlight, their colors may fade. Additionally, you may want to make sure your items are stored in sealed containers such as large Rubbermaid bins to protect your items from infestation. Adding cedar blocks to your items will also help lure off any unwanted moisture or pests.


If you have a large amount of closet space, a simple way to store clothing you are not currently wearing may be to simply rotate them to the back of your closet. Organize your closet by seasons and simply rotate each passing season to the back of your closet to be easily accessible when you go to wear the items again.

Increase Your Closet Space

If you'd like to store extra clothes in your closet, you may want to purchase items to help increase your closet space. You could purchase Wonder Hangers where you can place up to five garments on a hanger that only takes the space of one hanger. You could also buy hangers that allow you to fold multiple pairs of pants on one hanger. Additionally, you could add extra shelving to your closet to easily store folded piles of clothes for another season.

Tags: your items, make sure, want make, want make sure, will want, your closet