Monday, May 11, 2009

Closet System Ideas

A basic, old-fashioned closet can waste usable storage space.

If your closet is a mess, a closet storage system can help you to clean up and get organized. The type of closet storage system you pick depends on your needs. You can purchase patented closet systems at a home improvement or large retail store, or you can have a custom model designed by someone who specializes in closets. Does this Spark an idea?

Plan It Out

Before you start installing a full closet system, think about how you use your closet. If you tend to splurge and own 50 pairs of shoes, plan for ample shoe space. If you need a place for t-shirts in your bedroom or packets of tuna in your kitchen closet, be sure to add drawers. If you only have a few shirts that live on hangers and doubt you'll get more, you may not need a very long closet bar. These are the kind of things to take into consideration before you buy and install a closet system.

Maximize Your Space

It's important to maximize your space, especially if you have a small closet or home. So, think about your closet in every which way you can, including vertically. The wasted space at the top can be used for something, whether it's storing winter clothes or shoes you don't wear that often. You can add a simple closet bar to create a space to hang linens, shirts or other hanging items.

Create What You Need

If the storage or closet system you decide to use doesn't have exactly what you need, create it from other pieces. If you don't need a long closet bar, shorten it and add something else. If you need space for your shoes, think of other types of storage options, from drawers to pockets that would improve your design. Need shelves, but can't find them for your system? See if the company that makes the system offers other storage solutions. Chances are, you'll be able to find something that fits your current system if you stick with the same company.

Tags: your closet, about your, about your closet, closet storage, closet storage system, closet system