Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Take Public Transportation In Louisville

The public transportation system in Louisville Kentucky is known as TARC (Transit Authority of River City) and it's buses run throughout the city. They also operate buses to special events, and a bus especially designed for those looking for work in the Louisville area. With a few tips, it's not difficult to take public transportation in Louisville.


1. Go online first. TARC's website offers a special trip planner feature that lets you check out take public transportation to get to your destination in Louisville, how long it will take to get you there and find the proper bus stop.

2. Find the right bus stop. TARC will only pick up passengers waiting at their stops or shelters, so you won't be able to flag down a bus in Louisville if you want to take public transportation.

3. Bring exact fare. Bus drivers will not make change, so you need either the right amount of money or a pass. Basic TARC fare is $1.25 to ride public transportation in Louisville, although the fees may be different for special events. Transfers are free (you have to ask for one) but you must use it within two hours.

4. Pull the overhead cord to get the driver to stop. Or push the yellow strip that you'll see between the windows of the TARC bus. This signals the driver to pull over at the next stop to let you off.

5. Know that TARC buses are wheelchair accessible for those taking public transportation in Louisville. The steps can be lowered, and the seats near the front are reserved for the elderly and disabled. There are also places in the front of the bus to secure a wheelchair. The driver is expected to help you.

6. Be considerate. There is no smoking, eating, drinking or weapons allowed on Louisville public transportation. Loud noise is also prohibited, so be sure to bring headphones for your electronics.

7. Check out special routes. TARC runs public transportation to events such as University of Louisville games, so if you're looking for a special destination be sure to find out if there is a route that will help you.

Tags: public transportation, public transportation Louisville, take public transportation, special events, take public, transportation Louisville