Friday, October 5, 2012

Decorating Ideas For An Enclosed Recessed Space

Homeowners too often underestimate enclosed, recessed spaces in their homes, overlooking their potential. Such a space might seem far too tiny to offer any real use aside from storing boxes, old winter coats and other articles. However, with some planning and creativity, you can change this unused space into a small, but extraordinary room. Does this Spark an idea?

Cozy Vanity

Transform an enclosed recessed space into a cozy but chic vanity in just a few basic steps. Add a small antique or shabby chic table or desk with a matching chair or stool. Adorn the table or desk with a small but elegant lamp with beads or crystals hanging off the lampshade. Cover the walls with large mirrors with decorative frames to reflect the light, and install string lights around the mirror for added illumination. The space is now a luxurious area for putting on makeup or dressing.

Celebrity Style Closet

Changing a recessed enclosed space into an enormous celebrity-style walk in closet may prove such an uncomplicated makeover that you'll probably finish it within a couple of hours. Install a closet rod or a tension rod across the space. If there's room, add an additional rod parallel to the first one. Lay a luxurious throw rug on the floor--something that will feel ultra soft on your feet, such as a shag rug. Hang a full length mirror on an available wall so that you can model possible outfits and gauge their appearance. Place several tall floor lamps at either end of the closet rods to illuminate clothes from the top, down. Don't forget to install shelves for shoes and bags and add an upholstered stool to sit on.

Meditation Room

You will feel like you're living at the height of luxury when you convert this unused enclosed space into a meditation room. Plus, you'll reap the calming and soothing benefits of doing meditation every day. Remove all the clutter from the space until it is absolutely clean and bare. Add a soft rug or bamboo mat. Purchase an electronic fountain that you just plug into the wall to fill the room with the peaceful sounds of moving water. Fill a large glass bowl with clean, polished stones as an impromptu rock garden. If you wish, bring in a stereo so you can play sounds of nature, such as ocean waves or birds chirping in the forest. Keep the lighting low and soothing.

Tags: space into, desk with, enclosed recessed, enclosed space, enclosed space into, table desk, table desk with