Monday, October 1, 2012

Organize Your Home & Conquer Clutter

Spring cleaning gives you the chance to deep-clean and thoroughly organize your home, but these cleaning binges should not take place just once per year. Rather, everyone has clutter accumulate in the home at some point and the best action to take is to attend to the problem immediately. You can prevent clutter by taking simple steps each day, such as throwing out junk mail immediately and doing laundry when needed. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Gather the necessary organization and supplies you need for conquering clutter and organizing your home. Get large trash bags for collecting throw-out items and large storage containers or boxes to organize the clutter.

2. Choose a large common area of your house first, such as the living or family room, to focus your organizing efforts. Pick up items from the floor and common areas that should be thrown out and place them in the trash bags. Items that can easily be placed in the trash include older magazines that have been read, dated newspapers, and empty soda pop bottles or cans.

3. Organize the clutter you find throughout your house by first placing all of it in piles. Throw away the clutter that is considered trash or useless. Make a "pile" of clutter for the items that you need to keep but will have to put away or organize. Also, make a clutter pile containing items you're not sure what to do with at the moment.

4. Go through each of the clutter "keep" and "unsure" piles. Find appropriate spots for the items you're keeping. Place knickknacks back on the display cases and books back in the bookcase. Organize movie DVDs by placing them back in the entertainment centers or stands. For the "unsure" pile, go through each item and decide if you need to throw it out or keep it, or ask another family member what to do with it.

5. Organize and de-clutter each of the bedrooms, starting with the master bedroom. Get rid of kids' clothing and toys that may be on the floor; place these back in their respective kids' room or toy boxes. Clean under each of the beds, making piles for the clutter you're going to keep and throwing out what you don't need or want. Organize the dresser-tops, taking off clothes and putting them back in the drawers or closets. For kids' rooms, get rid of toys and games that are no longer used. Place the remaining toys in toy boxes or other storage bins. Make each of the beds in each room to complete the neat and tidy look.

6. Work on organizing closets. For bedroom closets, hang up the clothes on the closet floor. Pack away seasonal clothes into boxes that may only be worn in extreme cold or hot weather. Throw out or donate the clothes that no longer fit or you don't want. Straighten up shoes, or place each of the pairs on an organizing shoe rack. For linen and bathroom closets, straighten up sheets, towels and other items. Take stock of the supplies in each of these closets and replenish items, such as toilet paper and toothpaste, as needed.

7. Clean your office area or computer desk. Get rid of old mail and paper-clutter that may be on the desk. Place pens and writing utensils back in drawers or holders. Go through the paper stacks and determine whether you need to throw out or keep each item. Place those items that you're keeping in a filing cabinet or box.

8. Schedule weekly cleaning sessions to prevent your house from becoming cluttered. Involve the entire family to get help de-cluttering the home. Place organizational boxes around the areas in your home where clutter accumulates. Organize each of these areas during your cleaning days to prevent your home from getting backed up with clutter.

Tags: your home, your house, back drawers, each beds, each item