Friday, April 9, 2010

Identify Spiders In Florida

Can you tell if this spider is poisonous?

Florida has all kinds of spiders. Some spiders are colorful and harmless, while others can be dangerous. They live in all kinds of areas, from flowers to attics. Throughout your daily routine in Florida, you are bound to come across a spider or two, so bug identification is a good skill to have. Avoid the spiders as much as possible if you don't know what kind they are and look into spider pest control. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Avoid venomous spiders. There are a few different kinds of poisonous spiders in Florida. If they bite you, you will need medical attention. The brown recluse is dusky brown and deep red, with a violin shape on its abdomen. Black, brown and red widows are common poisonous spiders in Florida. The black and brown widows will differ in coloring, but will both have an hourglass shape underneath their abdomen. The red widow will not have the same marking. The red widow is black, with yellowish lines and red spots on the abdomen. These can all be found in dark areas such as closets, basements and attics. Spider pest control is very important if you find these creatures on your property, and learning a bit about insect identification can help the situation.

2. There are more than just poisonous spiders in Florida. Look for the hunting spiders, which only come out at night. Wolf spiders hunt for food at night and are rarely ever seen during the day. If you look under rocks or logs, you can find them. The wolf spider is brown, large and hairy. They have 2 large eyes and can often be found in tall grasses and gardens at night. Even if they are not poisonous, spider control can keep these creatures from sneaking up and scaring you!

3. Notice the most colorful spiders in Florida. The jumping spider and the spiny orb weaver are easily recognized by their distinct coloring. The jumping spider has stunning brown, white and black markings. They have 4 pairs of eyes and short, stout bodies. They can leap up to 40 times their length, which may startle residents. Spider control can help with this problem. The spiny orb weaver has white and black spots on its spiny abdomen, with large red lines.

4. Search in damp and dark areas. Daddy long legs live in caves and near water. They can also live in burrows left behind by rodents. They are grey and brown and have legs that are 30 times longer than their small body. They are perfectly harmless and are unable to bite into a person's skin.

5. When practicing insect identification, ook for spiders on flowers and in shrubbery. Crab spiders change colors, according to the flower they sit on. They don't spin webs, instead finding their food by waiting for it on flower pedals. They tend to walk sideways like a crab. On shrubbery and weeds, you will find the green lynx spider, which is transparent green, with red spots and white markings on the abdomen. The legs are long and thin.

Tags: poisonous spiders, poisonous spiders Florida, brown widows, dark areas, insect identification, jumping spider