Monday, November 30, 2009

Space To Kitchen Cabinets

Cluttered cabinets? Implement a few simple space-saving techniques.

In small kitchens, inadequate storage space can be frustrating. Even a large kitchen, though, feels crowded and cramped when full to overflowing. If all available space is in use, it is time to rethink your kitchen storage options, but this does not mean a costly remodel is necessary. Evaluating the space you have can lead to new storage solutions. One area that is often ill-used or underutilized---or both---is cabinet space. Making the most efficient use of cabinets is a clever, easy way to add storage space to a kitchen. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Storing items on stackable racks frees up cabinet space.

Stack items vertically. Vertical storage requires much less space than horizontal. Insert stackable stands and racks into cupboards. Stacking cans, containers, bags, boxes and jars vertically will free up precious cabinet shelf space. This technique also works for plates, cups and bowls.

2. Hang pots and pans on a pot rack.

Create or organize alternative storage spaces. Take items out of cabinets and put them in/on a kitchen island, corner shelf unit, hutch or free-standing china cabinet. Hang hooks under shelves for coffee mugs. Hang a pot rack from the ceiling to hold large pans, pots, kettles, roasting pans and other cookware, which take up a lot of space in a cabinet.

3. Store infrequently used appliances in other parts of the house.

Store only what you regularly use in cabinets. Look to see if your cabinets are full of infrequently or rarely used appliances such as countertop grills, juicers, bread machines, and mixers. Consider placing these items in another location such as a pantry, the garage or a hall closet. Relocate dishes that are only used on special occasions, such as fine china.

Tags: cabinet space, storage space, used appliances