Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Design Custom Closets

When you design closets that function well for clothes, linen or supplies, you can organize your life much easier. Closets with sufficient space and shelving help you avoid clutter in your home. Every room in your house can be easier to clean if you have sufficient storage space in nice closets. If you can't afford an expensive closet system, you can still create a custom closet by painting the interior and all shelving and drawers inside the same color. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Remove all interior shelves and hanging rods in each closet. Open the space to plan how you will use every square inch more efficiently. Take time to sketch different ways to position multiple hanging rods, plastic-covered wire shelving, pre-made shoe storage cubicles and small chests to hold socks, undergarments and other small items.

2. Paint the interior of the closet with high-quality semi-gloss paint. Install a shelf across the top about 18 inches down that will run the entire width of the closet. This shelf will hold purses, hats and stacks of sweaters as a clothes closet. Design one side of the closet to support two hanging rods, one above the other, at roughly 6 feet off the floor and 3 feet off the floor. Create this area to hang trousers, skirts or jackets. Install another rod in another section of the closet to hold suits and dresses that will take up longer hanging space.

3. Install sliding or louvered doors on the closet you are customizing. Have a carpenter open the front of the closet and reframe it, if necessary. This will make interior areas more accessible for finding whatever you need. Consider using mirrored sliding doors to create a dressing area for the room.

4. Paint a couple of small chests of drawers. Stack them and place them in the center of the closet. Place small items in these chests to eliminate having chests take up bedroom floor space. Store socks, handkerchiefs, scarves, lingerie and folded T-shirts in these drawers.

5. Install hooks and hanging devices in the closet. Place belts, scarves and hats on these hooks. Screw hanging accessories to the interior of closet doors if they are made of solid wood. Buy nice cedar hangers and garment storage bags.

Tags: hanging rods, closet Place, feet floor, interior closet, small chests, small items