Friday, November 6, 2009

Home Storage & Organizing Shelves

Got clutter? Does it seem like everything is out of place and nothing has a place of its own? Experts agree that clutter can create stress and deplete our energy. On the flip side, being organized can help daily life flow more smoothly. Sometimes it's simply a matter of finding the right storage solutions to keep clutter at bay and get organized. Does this Spark an idea?

Use What You Have

Before you spend money on new home storage and organization shelves, take a peek around the house. Look for unused bookshelves, baskets, bins and containers. Even dressers or cabinets can serve as perfect storage units.

Be Thrifty

Take heed of the phrase "every man's junk is another man's treasure." Thrift stores are filled with gently used home storage pieces like bookshelves, hanging shelves, furniture and baskets. With a good eye (make sure the item is not damaged), an open mind and a can of paint, you can turn something old into something new and functional.

Visit Your Hardware Store

Hardware stores like Lowes and Home Depot are jackpots for finding home storage and organization shelving. Cruise the aisles and become familiar with the different types of shelving options (wire ventilated shelving vs. laminated shelving). The wire shelving is less expensive and easier to install, while the laminated organization shelving provides a more custom look with a bigger price tag. Free-standing shelving units are also viable options for garage and basement storage.

Less Is More

The key to keeping home storage manageable is simple: less is more. Before you begin organizing your home, a major decluttering and purge is a must. If you haven't worn it or used it in a year, give it away. If you don't love it, let it go. Once you've cleaned out the clutter, you'll be ready to organize.

Put It All Together

The storage solutions are selected and the clutter is gone. It's time to put it all together. Use bookshelves or hanging shelves with baskets to hide everyday items. Hang home storage and organization shelves (either wire or laminated) in the closets. Utilize free-standing shelves in the garage (for shoes, tools and outdoor items) and in the basement.

Tags: home storage, home storage organization, storage organization, bookshelves hanging, bookshelves hanging shelves, hanging shelves