Tuesday, August 4, 2009

How Should I Organize My Kitchen Cabinets

Arrange kitchen cabinets in logical fashion.

Kitchen cabinets have a big job: they are required to hold dishes, pots and pans, food, baking sheets, utensils, plastic wrap and sometimes even phone books and tape dispensers. It's no wonder they get disorganized and overcrowded. But keeping them tidy and organized can make your like easier when you are baking those holiday cookies or even a quick Monday night dinner. Create a plan for your kitchen cabinets that will keep everything in its logical place, easy to find and ready for use. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Remove the contents of every cabinet and drawer in the kitchen. Place the items on the counter or table, grouping them by type or function. For example, keep baking products together, such as sugar, flour, baking soda and salt. Dinnerware, pots and pans, cooking utensils, mixing bowls and other logical groupings should each have their own pile.

2. Throw away any food that has expired or become stale. Sort through the piles of kitchenware to determine which items you rarely use or no longer need. Set these items aside for a garage sale or for charity donation.

3. Place items back into cabinets in a logical manner. Store baking sheets, loaf pans and muffin tins near the oven. Pots and pans belong by the stove. Everyday dishes and silverware should be close to the sink or dishwasher to make washing and putting them away convenient. Dishes for special occasions might be on a high shelf or in a china cabinet. Keep baking ingredients, spices, mixing bowls and cooking utensils within easy reach of the counter where you do most of your food preparation.

4. Store large, bulky items, such as slow cookers and griddles, on low shelves so you don't have to lift them over your head. Maximize space in corner cabinets with turntables that allow you to easily reach items in the back.

Tags: baking sheets, cabinets logical, cooking utensils, items back, mixing bowls, Place items