Monday, August 31, 2009

Condensed Fasttrack Courses At Community Colleges

Many community colleges offer fast-track courses in addition to traditional semester or quarter-style structures. Fast-track courses allow students to receive the same education as they would in a traditional length course, in a non-traditional manner. Students are able to complete their coursework in a shorter period of time, allowing them to finish their programs of study at an accelerated rate.


Community college instructors teach students the same material in fast-track courses as they do in those of a traditional length. Lessons are taught at a more rapid pace, classes typically meet more often, and students have less time to complete assignments. This format can be very convenient for students that wish to complete their program of study at a rapid pace or for those with non-traditional circumstances that need a program that works around their lives.


Even though fast-track courses are completed in a shorter time span, they still require the same amount of work from instructors and resources from the community college. Therefore the total costs for accelerated courses are typically the same as for those of a traditional length. This varies according to the individual community college, so check with your school before enrolling.

Financial Aid

If a student qualifies for financial aid, they are typically able to apply this to any fast-track community college courses. Eligibility varies according to each student. For more information visit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA, website.

Course Formats

Fast-track courses are taught in a variety of different formats, which vary according to each community college and individual courses. One way to structure these courses is to hold them partially online, where there are some in-class sessions that students are required to attend, combined with online work. Another format is holding 8-week courses, where the entire course is taught at an accelerated pace during this time frame. Weekend courses offer another type of class structure, where students attend classes on Saturdays or Sundays.

Tags: traditional length, according each, community college, community college, complete their, fast-track courses