Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Fold A Graco Stroller

Graco makes a popular line of baby strollers designed to go from the sidewalk to the trunk of a car or back of an SUV in a matter of seconds. This type of stroller is equipped with quick-release levers that allow you to collapse the stroller for easy storage; it also unfolds easily and locks securely into the open position, ready for baby's strolls through the world. Graco strollers essentially fold forward onto themselves into a flattened position for storage. Follow these steps to get your stroller closed and ready to store.


1. Take baby out of the seat and stand behind the stroller. Depress the brake levers on each of the back wheels to keep the stroller from rolling forward.

2. Look on both sides of the stroller pushbar or handle and locate the release levers. The levers look like plastic loops attached to the handle tubes. Some models have a single release lever, while others have two levers mounted opposite each other on each side of the handle.

3. Pull back on the spring-loaded levers to release the hinge lock on the stroller. The handle should slide forward easily.

4. Push the handle forward and over, toward the front wheels. The stroller will collapse onto itself into the storage position.
