Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Reorganize A Closet

To stack or not to stack: that is the question when reorganizing a closet.

To successfully, totally reorganize a closet a plan is required. Yet, planning to reorganize a closet presents some difficulties. There are many ways to organize a closet, from adding shoe trees to installing new shelves, but you will actually find the most basic methods of closet reorganization are the most successful. It only takes two hours to get this project underway. The result: a new closet and a simpler morning routine. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Clean out the closet completely, leaving nothing behind. Take out the shoes, the small items, and the big things like vacuums, bowling balls and suitcases. The closet must be empty to reorganize it the right way.

2. Measure the lengths and widths of the shelves in the closet carefully using a regular tape measure and note all the measurements. If you are really ambitious and serious about reorganizing your closet, draw the shelves on graph paper using the scale of one square equals half a foot, or six inches. This provides a visual for reorganizing a closet and deciding which items go where.

3. Divide your closet items into piles grouped by their similarity, in another room like the guest room or family room. For instance, place all shoes in one pile, the clothes in another. If it is a linen closet, set the towels in one pile, sheets in another. This way you can plan to reorganize a closet on paper, and this makes deciding where everything goes easier.

4. Measure the piles by length, width and height if applicable, and then using these measurements fit the piles into the closet layout on the graph paper. Remember, each square equals six inches. So, you'll be able to reorganize on paper before you putting things back into your closet. It saves lots of work.

5. Move the items back into closet according to your plan. Stick to it closely, but adjust it if necessary. If something doesn't fit, go back to the plan and change it before moving on with the closet reorganization.

Tags: reorganize closet, your closet, back into, closet reorganization, graph paper, into closet, reorganizing closet