Monday, February 28, 2011

Organize A Washer And Dryer

The top of a washer and dryer set can quickly become littered with lint balls and unmatched socks. Organizing your washer and dryer can keep the mess at bay and prevent stray socks from ending up between and behind the machines. Having an organized washer and dryer can also make for a less stressful laundry day. Once you have organized your washer and dryer, teach any family member who uses the laundry area your system to ensure that it stays organized. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Clear the top of your washer and dryer. Take this time to attempt to match any stray socks you find.

2. Place enough stackable bins on top of your dryer that each family member has their own bin. If you have more than four or five members in your household, consider dividing the bins based on bedroom, children's genders or their ages. Utilize a system that makes sense for your family.

3. Store laundry soap, bleach, fabric softener and any other laundry chemicals you use on a regular basis in a narrow, rolling storage caddy. Place the caddy between the washer and dryer to allow yourself easy access to supplies as they are needed.

4. Adjust the bins so that they are not blocking the lint trap or temperature and start knobs.

5. Place a small wastebasket lined with a plastic grocery sack next to the bins. This will provide you with a way to dispose of dryer lint.

6. Put any stray socks leftover after you complete a load of laundry in their owner's bin. At the end of each week, attempt to match the socks in the bin.

7. Dispose of stray socks after two weeks or use them as cleaning rags.

Tags: stray socks, washer dryer, your washer, your washer dryer, attempt match