Monday, February 7, 2011

Feng Shui Your Home For Wealth

Feng shui typically uses a bagua chart to map out parts of a home.

The word "wealth" brings with it a vast array of interpretations, depending upon your background, your belief systems and your own personal finances. To some, wealth doesn't even apply to money, but to others the entire concept is based on financial resources and having an abundant supply of everything you need. Prosperity concepts align with wealthy thinking, and to attract wealth, you can apply the ancient Chinese practice of Feng Shui. This art has received a new wave of appreciation by westerners in recent years. You can use a "bagua" or Feng Shui map to layout your entire home, or just apply traditional methods around various areas to focus on wealth. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Clean your home from top to bottom. Dust, scrub, wash everything you can see, then do inside closets and cabinets and hidden areas. Remove anything that has stagnant "energy" such as something stuck in the back of a closet or garage that hasn't been touched or used for years.

2. Give clothing away to charities and toss dead or dying plants into the compost pit. Remove anything in your home that does not reflect your dreams, goals, peace, beauty and abundance. Piles of junk, overflowing garbage, ratty and broken items can be removed or thrown out.

3. Plug sink drains or place covers over them. Also lower the toilet lids in all bathrooms so as to prevent money "going down the drain" or "flushing away." Make it a habit to keep drains covered and lids down.

4. Remove any slow-growing plants such as jade from outside your front door or entry area, and especially from the room situated in the southeast part of your home. Keep wealth symbols in this area instead, and also place them in the far left corner of each room. These are considered the "wealth areas."

5. Hang or set 8 coins in small bags in your wealth areas. You can also use 3 or 6, but 8 is more potent. You can also run red ribbon through specific Chinese coins and hang them on doorways, in wealth areas and around the house.

6. Place red, gold, purple and/or green candles in wealth areas. Use the color(s) you feel most strongly represents wealth.

7. Place a small table-top of other fountain in your home. If you can, use several to keep "abundance flowing." Alternatively, you can hang images of waterfalls, rivers and other bodies of water in motion. Fish tanks are also good to have in a wealth area.

8. Keep appliances and fixtures in good working condition and make sure all your doors open fully to allow "flow."

9. Start a "gratitude jar" or small piggy-bank type collection and keep it in the wealth area. Place objects that symbolize wealth and prosperity throughout your home and add touches outdoors, too.

Tags: your home, wealth areas, Feng Shui, Remove anything, wealth area