Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Install Christmas Lights In Portland Oregon

Consider the weather when hanging Christmas lights in Portland.

Hanging Christmas lights in Portland, Oregon, is not a whole lot different from hanging them anywhere else, provided you account for the typical late-fall/early-winter weather. Many people put up Christmas lights in late November, just after Thanksgiving, when the Portland area tends to experience wet, cold weather and it sometimes gets windy. Temperatures range from the high 30s to the mid 40s in Portland that time of year, and precipitation levels top 6 inches in both November and December. Account for the weather, and you'll be on your way to having a successful Christmas lights display in Portland. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Choose a power source that will be well-protected from wet weather, and run a heavy-duty extension cord from it to one end of your strand of Christmas lights.

2. Avoid having the connection between your extension cord and the strand of lights exposed to the elements if at all possible. Tuck it up under an eave or wrap it underneath a covered deck to avoid any chance that rain could get to the plug.

3. Purchase plastic light clips or hooks from your local home improvement or hardware store to hang your Christmas lights.

4. Decide where, exactly, you want your lights and measure before you begin. For example, if you want lights across your house's front gutter, measure that distance to ensure that your strand of lights will cover the entire length.

5. Test your lights before you begin hanging them to make sure they work. If you discover any bulbs that are out, replace them before you put up the strand.

6. Attach the plastic clips to your gutters by simply hanging them over the outer edge of your gutter. If you're using hooks, use a hammer and nails to attach them to the trim below the eaves of your roof.

7. Hang your Christmas lights on the clips or hooks that you've installed, then plug them in and turn them on.

Tags: Christmas lights, Christmas lights, hanging them, before begin, Christmas lights Portland