Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Organize A Small Home Office Space

Keeping your home office uncluttered visually enlarges the space.

Organization is the key to making the most out of a small home office space. Whether you work at home and entertain clients at times or simply use it to store important documents and pay your bills, organizing the small area will help your work day run more smoothly. Discarding clutter and purchasing functional storage units and furniture allows you to work efficiently. Making use of all the available space ensures that you have everything close at hand when you need it. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Clean out the small office space in your home by throwing away clutter or storing it effectively for future use. Have three separate containers when you clean the space. Designate one for trash, one for storage and one for items you need to take care of right away. After you clean out the office space, place the items where they belong and discard the trash.

2. Place important documents, such as tax returns, appliance manuals or warranties, into an inexpensive filing cabinet. You will be able to locate the items easily when needed.

3. Throw away any junk mail that is cluttering the office area. Invest in a desk organizer that has an "in" and "out" box or simply a stand-up organizer for bills you need to pay. Donate knickknacks or useless furnishings that clutter the area. Creating an uncluttered environment helps many people to focus on tasks more efficiently.

4. Purchase multipurpose furniture, such as a bench or ottoman with hidden storage space. Invest in a used or new desk that has many drawers or compartments to store items.Use a cedar chest for a coffee table or to store office supplies, such as extra printer paper, printer ink, pens, pencils and computer manuals. If the lid is padded, it can provide extra seating.

5. Install a large bookcase or adjustable shelving along a wall to make use of the vertical space in the room. Bookshelves are decorative and provide adjustable storage space for boxes and other necessary items.

6. Purchase a computer or desk chair with wheels. The chair allows you to be able to slide back and forth quickly from your desk to a filing cabinet or other areas in the small room.

7. Place small like items into clear plastic storage containers. Label the boxes with a self-adhesive label and permanent marker. You can place them on your shelves according to the need. If it is something you use only once a year, place it on the highest shelf. Items you use on a daily basis should be on the shelves that are easiest to access.

8. Position an occasional chair or sturdy upholstered chair directly opposite your desk. This allows a guest or client to have a comfortable place to sit while in your office.

9. Set up a narrow work table or card table in an unused area of the room if you or someone else does crafts in the area. This prevents having to clear your desk area of the debris if you need to use the computer to pay bills. Buy a table with collapsible legs so that you can store it away quickly if entertaining clients.

Tags: your desk, filing cabinet, important documents, office space, storage space, your home