Monday, August 29, 2011

Stop Closet Mildew And Odors

Closet mildew causes more than foul odors. Mold and mildew are health hazards to everyone exposed, especially the young. Learn stop the mold and mildew and make your closets sparkle again. Does this Spark an idea?


1. REMOVE ITEMS FROM CLOSET WITH MILDEW. Before treating your closet mildew problem, it's important to empty your closet completely. This will allow you to inspect the items for mildew and mold damage, prevent additional damage from chemical treatments, and will increase airflow, allowing your closet to dry faster.

2. BAKING SODA FOR CLOSET MILDEW. Whether or not your closet is still damp, sprinkle baking soda on the carpet liberally. If closet mildew or mold is clinging to the walls, mix 1/2 cup baking soda with a gallon of warm water. Apply the mixture to the affected area of wall or ceiling. Scrub gently. DO NOT RINSE.

3. LOCATE THE SOURCE OF CLOSET MILDEW. It is usually easier to find the source of closet mildew while the closet is still damp. This is convenient because it's difficult to dry closet mildew without first stopping the source of moisture. If you are unable to locate a source of moisture, try again after the closet is dry (see steps below).

4. DRY THE CLOSET MILDEW. Leave the door to your empty closet open and make sure there is sufficient dry air flowing through the room. If you live in a damp climate, a dehumidifier might be required to remove existing moisture and prevent new moisture from settling in. Allow the closet to dry completely.

5. VACUUM THE DRY CLOSET. When the closet with mildew problems has completely dried, vacuum up any residual baking soda.

6. CHECK FOR SOURCE AGAIN. If you were unable to locate the source of the moisture that is causing your closet mildew, try again when the closet is dry. Return to the closet a few hours after the drying process is complete. Check the walls for condensation. Feel for wet spots in the carpeting. If you are still unable to find the cause of your closet mildew problem, you may require the services of a professional.

7. TREAT CLOSET MILDEW ODORS. If baking soda alone was not enough to remove the odor from your closet, next try treating the closet with Febreeze or another product that absorbs odors, rather than perfuming the air. If Febreeze fails to control the odor, you may consider using a wet shop vacuum to wash residual odor and germs from carpeting. You may also need to have a professional examine the extent of the damage mildew has caused to your walls and ceiling. Portions of drywall may need to be replaced.

Tags: your closet, baking soda, closet mildew, source moisture, your closet mildew