Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Organize A Craft Supply Closet

Keep your supplies in order.

Craft enthusiasts, parents and teachers usually accumulate a lot of supplies for crafts over time. From fabric to scissors, glue, glitter, stamps and countless other materials and supplies, a crafting collection can get out of hand quickly. Even in a closet set aside for craft supplies, the overwhelming amount of supplies thrown together can seem intimidating. Organize your craft supply closet to easily access the supplies you need, without having to dig around for them. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Remove everything from the closet and spread it out over the floor to get a good look at what you have. You may be surprised at what you have forgotten about.

2. Separate everything into three piles. Make the first pile your throw-away pile for broken, empty or used up supplies. Make the second pile your give-away pile. This pile is for the supplies that you no longer use, but could be useful to someone else. The last pile is for things you do use or at least plan to use.

3. Place your throw-away items in a trash bag and your give-away items into a box. Donate your give-away items to a local school's art teacher or a youth counselor at a local church.

4. Separate your keep pile into sections for the different types of items you have. For example, place all scrapbook embellishments, scrapbook paper, ribbons and glue in separate piles.

5. Place all of your small items like beads, buttons, findings, brads and appliques into clear divided storage containers. A fishing tackle box works for this as well.

6. Place larger items like fabrics, large paper cutters, beading trays and poster boards into large clear storage totes. Place the items into separate totes depending on the craft for which they are used. For example, your paper cutter can go in the same tote as your large sheets of decorative paper, whereas it wouldn't make sense to store it in a box of fabric.

7. Place smaller items like glue, glitter, stamps, scissors and writing utensils into shoebox sized storage totes. Separate the items in the totes the same way you did with the larger totes.

8. Place writable labels on each tote and container. Write the category in which each tote belongs. Stack the totes in your closet with the labels on the outside so you can easily access what you need.

Tags: items like, your give-away, each tote, easily access, give-away items, glitter stamps