Thursday, August 4, 2011

Get Your Home Organized

Remove clutter from the home to stay organized.

An organized home can help you feel calm and put-together, since there isn't clutter lying around the house or behind closet doors. Whether you need to organize your home from top to bottom, or simply clean out the cupboards, there are plenty of easy tips to use so you can focus and get the job done. Once you clear away the clutter, organizing what you have left can be done room by room until the entire house has been organized. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Remove clutter from each room of the house. Use three boxes or plastic tubs to create a keep, toss and recycle/charity system. Go through closets, cabinets and cupboards and remove each item to place in one of the designated boxes. Keep only items that are frequently used and in good condition; otherwise, donate items to charity or throw them away.

2. Purchase organizers to use within closets or cabinets. For example, keep kitchen spices easy to reach and available with a spice shelf, or hang a shoe organizer behind a closet door to reduce clutter on closet or bedroom floors.

3. Place a basket in the entryway or foyer for winter clothes or shoes, instead of leaving them on the floor nearby. Place a coat rack or install hooks in the entryway or foyer to easily hang hats, jackets and umbrellas when entering the home.

4. Limit clutter on tables, countertops or other flat surfaces by using only one or two large decor items to serve as focal points for each surface. If you use smaller decor items, place an odd-numbered collection of various-sized items together.

5. Use each drawer in a desk, cabinet or dresser for a specific purpose to reduce the temptation of creating clutter. For example, use a drawer of the office desk for writing utensils, paper and mailing equipment only.

6. Remove seasonal clothing from the closet and store in airtight plastic bins, then roll the bins under the bed for inconspicuous storage.

Tags: behind closet, closets cabinets, clutter from, decor items, entryway foyer