Monday, February 9, 2009

Organize Yarns

Organizing yarn is a great way to make knitting more efficient. There are a variety of ways to accomplish this using shelves, boxes or open faced crates. You can also use hanging shoe organizers or hanging sweater organizers to keep the yarn you use regularly close at hand.


1. Review the amount of knitting yarn you have. You'll want to choose an organization system that works for the amount of yarn you currently use and accommodates some growth.

2. Decide if you want the yarn to show or if you'd rather tuck it away in a closet. If you have a craft room, displaying your yarn can be an attractive way to organize it.

3. Go to craft stores and inspect how craft organization systems work. Even if you choose not to purchase one, you might find a system you can duplicate on a budget.

4. Set up shelving by either hanging shelves on your wall or purchasing inexpensive book shelves. If you're going to display your knitting yarns by color, you might choose to purchase several narrow bookshelves, as they will provide a natural division for you.

5. Divide open shelving using baskets or crates to hold your yarn. Baskets hold yarn balls easily, while crates allow you to stack skeins of yarn. To hide the knitting yarn, place the crate upright. To display your yarn, lay the crate on its side. You can use any type of crate or box you like.

6. Organize smaller craft collections by placing hanging shoe or sweater bags in a closet. This is a convenient option because you can add to it inexpensively as your needs grow. For larger knitting yarn collections, put up a second hanging bar.

Tags: knitting yarn, your yarn, choose purchase, display your, hanging shoe